St. Mary’s Press eBook – eReader

Description & Goal

The company wanted to save costs by having its eReader that it could distribute and manage without third parties. This eReader is a web base App that would be viewable on any device with the internet. Including, download option would be available for offline reading.

My Role



User Stories




Competitive Research & Discovery

I researched top competitive eReaders that had publishing and school-based eBooks. The competitive research document turned over listed the company, new features, and what was done well and could have been done better.

I conducted group and one on one meetings, where I walked through the current product. I established a clear overview of user types of instructor (teacher), students, and client-side (admins). I created a brief including the goal and requirements that was routed for approval.

Sitemap & Userflow

Wireframes of Page Types & Functions

Wireframes were created, showing the page types for eBooks. Followed by wireframes that highlighted tools and functions. Also, displaying pathways and user flows on each wireframe.

Left Side Navigation


Existing bookmarks are accessed in the left-side menu. The user can remove or navigate to the bookmarked page.

Each page has its bookmark, so if you user was viewing the eBook with double pages two bookmarks would be available. Also, on the page bookmarks can be removed.


Existing highlights are accessed in the left-side menu. The user can view, remove, or navigate to the highlighted text.


Existing notes are accessed in the left-side menu. Within this menu, they can view (within a certain character count), remove, and open the note on the page it was created.

Right Side Navigation


The dictionary will be pulled from an API and dynamically populated in the eBook. The text can be selected on a page in the eBook and navigated by the pop-up menu, to the pre-populated dictionary or text search menu option or entered manually.

Text Search

Text can be selected on a page in the eBook. Then they navigated by pop-up menu, to prepopulated dictionary or text search menu option or entered manually. The text search results will show the first 50 and load on scroll.


Text Selecting Menu

When the text was selected, and modal menu would appear. This menu provides color selection for the highlight, notes, and search textbook or dictionary. The option to select already highlighted text provided a secondary menu that lets the user change colors, remove a highlight, make, edit, or delete notes.

The search icon would open to both dictionary and text options with the words populated on both functions.

Note Making

The user selects text on a page in the eBook. Then they select the notes icon in the pop-up menu and the note modal opens with color options. The notes are saved by keystrokes, but we have basic close, etc. buttons.

External Links

Our eBooks for school contain external links within the PDF. We did not want users to be redirected out of the eBook, so we were dynamically having the links open into a modal.


When a user first entered a site tutorial will pop-up showing the user around. Also, there is an option to select tutorial whenever located in the menu.