Description & Goal
Instructors and students were using up a lot of time navigating through a course to get to a spot within the course during reviews and presentations. We found that instructors were used to module numbering (Chapter) or Table of Contents (Course Sitemap) formatting. So, we created a side menu containing module numbering and a footer link to the table content page.
My Role
User Stories
Side Nav – Hierarchical Navigation
The first step was to map out how the course structure will show in the side menu.
UI Designs
The second step was to make the user a clear visual understanding of where they were in the side navigation and an easy method to find a lesson, activity, or page. (When a user opens the side navigation of the page, they are on shows near the top.)
To view side nav prototype.
The table of content is listed by page number and only chapters, lessons, and activities show, like a sitemap.